Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Ramadan and Korite

For all of you whom dont know. Today is the last day of Ramadan. Ramadan is an Islamic Holiday in which Muslimls dont eat or drink during day light hours. They fast for an entire month depending on the moons. The Islamic calandar is based off of lunar cycles instead of set days like we go by in the states. Well, today MIGHT be the last day of Ramadan if the moon decides to pop up tomorrow. If not, for sure by Friday.

The Fasting

Catholcs give up red meat on Fridays for Lenten. Muslims give up ALL food and drink during the days. From 7AM to 7PM, Muslims arent allowed to consume anything. Die hard Muslims even spit constantly because they believe its a sin to consume their own saliva. I fasted for only two days this year. I have to admit that its really hard. By 5 PM you g et really cranky. Think of how they must feel doing it for a whole month. I for one give Muslims mad credit for what they do and why they do it. They can do that and still keep a smile on their face ALL day long. Because teh Senegalese are ALWAYS happy.


Korite is also a Muslim holiday. It is the day when the new moon shows and says Ramadan is over. Korite is either tomorrow or the next day, but in any instance I guess its party central. The people here have gone without eating and drinking during the day for the month of September. They are ready to party it up. If Korite starts tomorrow there is no way anything is going to get done. People just stop what theyre doing and celebrate. Men forget to go to work. Women stop doing housework. The kids dont have school all week so theyve been pretty lazy anyway. But Korite is a time to celebrate a good Ramadan and to praise your neighbors, family and friends and to ask EVERYONE for forgiveness for your sins. We will all walk around town eating a drinking and talking and socializing until bedtime. I cant wait. Happy Korite!!!


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