Tuesday, October 18, 2005

TOP 10 Things I Miss

1. Cold liquid (Beer, water, pop, showers)

2. Big Ten Football

3. Home cooked meals

4. Clean sheets, clean clothes, clean hands, clean anything.

5. Driving

6. Air Conditioning and/or relaxing fan while i sleep.

7. English!!!! Im already starting to forget how to speak. Just wait until I come home.

8. TV, other than Football (soccer) or French soap operas.

9. Dollar Menu at McDonalds. Ive already lost 15 pounds on the African diet. I can use a double cheeseburger.

10. SEX!!!!!

TOP 10 Things I Dislike About Senegal

1. Call for prayer keeps me up until 2am. Call for prayer wakes me up at 5 am.

2. Walking through sand EVERYWHERE I go.

3. Maalo fo lip (rice and fish) at every meal gets a little old.

4. Trash=Garbage=Ground=Everywhere

5. Malaria pills. Need to study? Pop a Malarium and i promise you wont sleep for days. Plus side, I have really vivid sex dreams when i do sleep. Its like directing your own adult film.

6. Having to aim while taking a shit through a three inch hole in the ground.

7. Mosquito bites I find in places I dont even know I have.

8. The beer tastes like filtered piss.

9. I pretty much disliked the Gold Bond Pudding.

10. HEAT I have a new meaning for sweatin balls!!!!