Guess what? 50 people just escaped from a Senegalese prison. How in the hell can 50 people escape from prison? all at the same freaking time? I could see 1 or 2 people digging away with a spoon. But 50? Its like one day Muhammad woke up in his cell, which happened to be the key still in the door...
Where in the hell were the prison guards during the escape of FIFTY FREAKING PEOPLE? "uhhh, no boss...I swear I was watching them the whole time! I have no clue how 50 criminals disappeared," says the dumb shit guard.
I dont even fully blame the guard. I blame society. I have no damn clue why I blame society, I just do.
You all should appreciate the American Criminal Justice System. Especially when their motto states, "if you escape from prison, we WILL shoot you." Unlike the Seneglese System which states, "if you escape from prison, we no longer have to feed you."
So at this point in my life, I am quite certain that I might become that sugar smuggler I once wrote about. The only thing stopping me before was the idea of rotting away in an African Prison. Now that I know jail is a sign-in sign-out kind of thing, I think Im starting to get a sweet tooth.