Friday, October 06, 2006


 Its here again, that one crazy month when my village hates everything and EVERYONE. Ramadan is a very special time. Its the month when all the worlds Muslims come together and help decrease the worlds violent consumption of raw materials....but only during daylight hours. AKA, They dont consume anything. AKA, they dont eat or drink or smoke. AKA, thank God I LOVE JESUS!!!!!!!  Hallelujah Brotha!!!! MMMMMHMMMM!!!!
 I wrote about Ramadan last year, but I only participated once. I promise you that was the most difficult 12 hours of my life. Now that Ive been eating their food for a year, I can somewhat say that I enjoy the idea of not eating. I have only fasted for a few days this year. I figure what the hell, I still have the WHOLE month of October NOT to eat anything. That still gives me a while.

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Guess what? 50 people just escaped from a Senegalese prison. How in the hell can 50 people escape from prison? all at the same freaking time? I could see 1 or 2 people digging away with a spoon. But 50? Its like one day Muhammad woke up in his cell, which happened to be the key still in the door...
Where in the hell were the prison guards during the escape of FIFTY FREAKING PEOPLE? "uhhh, no boss...I swear I was watching them the whole time! I have no clue how 50 criminals disappeared," says the dumb shit guard.
I dont even fully blame the guard. I blame society. I have no damn clue why I blame society, I just do. 
You all should appreciate the American Criminal Justice System. Especially when their motto states, "if you escape from prison, we WILL shoot you." Unlike the Seneglese System which states, "if you escape from prison, we no longer have to feed you."
So at this point in my life, I am quite certain that I might become that sugar smuggler I once wrote about. The only thing stopping me before was the idea of rotting away in an African Prison. Now that I know jail is a sign-in sign-out kind of thing, I think Im starting to get a sweet tooth.  

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Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Been a Long Time

How is everyone? If youre reading this message, theres a pretty good chance that I havent heard from you in ages. Im sorry about that. So this message is for those whom I may have lost touch with. Its hard to keep up when I only get to check my messages for an hour here and there. MY bad! So I hope you're all doing well. Im sure you are.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Are You Experienced?

 I just had two upstanding young gentlemen visit me in (BMN) Bambougar Malick Ndiaye. The new prisoners have arrived. There are 52 or so new volunteers slaving away exactly like I had to do a year ago. Good for them. Training'll put hair on their chests. Im serious. Peace Corps really does support the HWC, Hairy Women Coalition. WTF.
So yeah, I had two guys come visit me in the village. Brett and Mark seemed to like where I live more than I do. But I remember being that excited when I got here. Im not trying to be negative or down. I really do love where I live. My village rocks. Im just over the whole, WOW THIS IS AMAZING kind of attitude they both seemed to have towards BMN. I got use to the people and the BS and now Im just part of the community. That now means Im just your average poor African. I even forget Im white sometimes until I see myself in the mirror 8 days later.
Though Im glad I got to host these two for a week. It was fun and really showed me how much Ive learned in the last year. I feel experienced!

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 So its official! Ive been in Africa for a year. We didnt really know which exact day we should celebrate. There was either the day we left home or the day we came to Africa. So why the hell not, lets celebrate them all. This week Ive taped into my Irish heritage and drank myself stupid. I know what youre thinking... Paul might have a problem with alcohol. Its not so much the alcohol I have a problem with. The whiskey is fine. Its the following 9 days after the so called anniversary batch that I have the problem with. Hangovers in Africa are not so much fun. Truthfully, I shouldnt be writing about this in an open forum. The Boss-Man might be spying on us. I may be fired for having a "normal" life. But when I really sit down and think about the Positive vs. Negative implications, the worst thing they can do to me is send me home to AMERICA. The worst possible thing they could do to me is LET ME STAY. That in itself is torture enough.
PS. Im just kidding. Dont fire me Mr. Boss-Man!

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